Project updates
Rijnpark area vision adopted by the municipal council
Last night, the council of the Municipality of Arnhem adopted the Rijnpark Area Vision by a large majority. Rijnpark is an ambitious transformation from an industrial estate and shunting yard into a vibrant urban district with space for 7,000 homes, 5,000 jobs, activity, facilities and a strong emphasis on a green and healthy living environment. This area development represents a major step in the city’s ambitions for Arnhem-Oost. Over the past year, BURA worked on the plans for Rijnpark on behalf of and in collaboration with the Municipality of Arnhem.
In the development of Rijnpark, water and soil literally form the basis for a living and nutritious soil. The climate-adaptive and nature-inclusive green structure is formed by the new Spoorpark, which as the end point of the Veluweloper brings the Veluwe to the Rhine.
The new urban district focuses on sustainable mobility and is well connected, both physically and programmatically, with the surrounding neighborhoods and the region. Rijnpark builds on the (in)visible history of the place, but also adds its own urban living-working environment to the city.
The municipality of Arnhem is taking a big step with this area vision and is showing courage and ambition. We are currently continuing to work on the Urban Development Plan for phase 1.
BURA thanks the collaboration with the municipality of Arnhem, and in particular
portfolio holders Paul Smeulders and Nermina Kundić and the enthusiastic team of Sander Pasmans MBA, Hans van Loon, Kirsten van Rijen, Paul van Hoof, Niek Holtkuile, Gielijn Blom, and many more.
Advisors: Fakton, Goudappel, Arcadis, Sweco, Stec Groep, Wageningen University & Research, Econsultancy, Rogier Joosten, Alba Concepts.
Proud of team BURA!
Marco Broekman, Bart Claassen, Marian Enders, Sylvie Yunshih Chen, Frank de Boer, Francisco Adriane and Che Yi Shih.
More info:
Gemeente Arnhem