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Novex research by design
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Novex research by design

BURA - Novex_foto
08 October 2024



On 23 September, the NOVEX Design Research was presented, in which BURA collaborated together with BRIGHT Cooperative.
From June 2023, we were commissioned by the Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties to work on design research in which we analysed the spatial proposals of the Dutch provinces from Perspective 2 – Organizing networks for energy and (circular) economy.

Thinking about future transport and energy corridors is developing rapidly but still faces major uncertainties. Provinces and central government need each other in order to achieve a robust economic structure. We examined the proposals in terms of interprovincial coherence and their relationship with the government’s plans in the field of mobility and energy infrastructure. The result is captured in a number of maps and conclusions about the role of transport networks, energy networks, circular economy and the role of knowledge. Where is the problem and where is synergy? In addition, we will discuss the integrality of the assignments and the need for good cooperation.

In addition to our perspective, the publication also contains research by design in the field of Agriculture and Nature and Liveable Cities and Regions. Vereniging Deltametropool was the driving force in this process and took care of the publication.
The findings of this research were used as input for the reflections of the PBL Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving and the CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati.

Download rapport:
Delta Metropool
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Also see:
Lessen uit de provinciale ruimtelijke voorstellen

Vereniging Deltametropool (Paul Gerretsen, Samuel Hartman, Asmara Hintzen, Alua Akhmet )
Jutta Hinterleitner
Maurits De Hoog
Strootman Landschapsarchitecten (Arjen Vennema, Lotte Embregts, Shahaf Strickmann )
BURA (Geert Das, Rebecca Smink, Regis Hijnekamp, Floris van der Zee )
BRIGHT Cooperative (Gerjan Streng, Boaz Peters, Miriam van Eck )
Studio Bereikbaar (Manus Barten, Nicole van der Waart, Vania Cera )
TwynstraGudde (Liesbeth Beneder )

Made possible by a.o.
Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (Katja S., Rosa Stapel, Mattia van der Laan, Susanne van der Kleij )
Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Provincie Flevoland

08 October 2024
