Project updates
Gebiedsagenda ZO Assen!

The Municipality of Assen has selected BURA and APPM to work on the Gebiedsagenda ZO Assen!
With the agenda we will strengthen the spatial and economic position of South-East Assen. The area will thus be further developed as a sustainable and future-proof working landscape, with important work and care functions for the city and the region.
Important qualities are the existing landscape, but also the location near the station.
The goal of the Gebiedsagenda ZO Assen! is to work with various stakeholders to achieve a powerful framework for four sub-areas that forms the basis for the further development of ‘locatieplannen’.
With the agenda we want to be able to systematically make concrete choices and provide insight into the prioritization of projects and programs. In addition, we proactively look for opportunities to cooperate between public and private parties.
The Gebiedsagenda Zo Assen! will be submitted Mid-Summer 2024.