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Expertmeeting post-war neigborhoods
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Expertmeeting post-war neigborhoods

BURA - 2
16 November 2023


On Wednesday, November 1, Space Encounters and BURA organized an expert meeting in the Van Eesteren Museum about ‘post-war neighborhoods’. Topic of discussion: the apparent tension between the perspective on the cultural heritage of these neighborhoods and the approach to renewal and sustainability. We talked to cultural historians, policy makers, designers and housing associations. In three rounds of discussions, we looked for how and where things clash, how we can further specify the tasks and where there are opportunities for synergy. There was a pleasant dialogue with input from table guests and attendees. There was room for clarity and nuances about the importance of heritage values and environmental quality in relation to the current approach to social tasks and spatial challenges. We will process the outcomes of the meeting into a number of lessons that we will also share widely. So, to be continued!

We thank all table guests and stakeholders for their input: Jorn Konijn (Van Eesteren Museum Amsterdam), Anita Blom (Advisor and researcher on post-war heritage and spatial quality), Vita Teunissen (SteenhuisMeurs), Nathalie Van Hoeven (Eigen Haard), Rick Bruggink (Office Winhov), Flora Nycolaas (Municipality of Amsterdam), Like Bijlsma (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency), Bouke Kapteijn (Rochdale), Marije Stelloo (Municipality of The Hague) and Jos Gadet (Municipality of Amsterdam) for their participation in the round table discussions and the public for their presence and participation in the afternoon . We would also like to thank the EFL Foundation for making the session possible.

BURA - 3
BURA - 8
BURA - 6
16 November 2023
