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Strategic guidelines for Center South
Zuidplein and environment, Rotterdam
Zuidplein and environment, Rotterdam

Strategic guidelines for Center South

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The vision trajectory aims to bring together the ambitions of two development projects under a holistic vision: Hart van Zuid and Motorstraatgebied.

Transforming Zuidplein and its surroundings into a vital center for the southern districts of Rotterdam.

Een toekomstvisie voor Centrum van Zuid in Rotterdam.

Municipality of Rotterdam

Studio Bereikbaar, Stipo and Mark Rabbie Urban Concepts


Marco Broekman, Floris van der Zee, Milja Hartikainen, Pinar Balat, Paul van Eeden en Jacopo Grilli.

An important transport hub
Commissioned by the municipality of Rotterdam, BURA defined a future vision for the Center of South in Rotterdam. The project area is known as an important transport hub in the Rotterdam region, because of the nationally recognized entertainment center and as one of the fastest growing shopping centers in the Netherlands. The area also contains important educational, cultural and sports facilities of Rotterdam South. However, due to the presence of many large-scale buildings and infrastructure, the area lacks a human scale, connection with surrounding neighbourhoods, attractive public spaces and a healthy living and working environment.

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Goal: a holistic vision

Our ambition is to set a new point in the horizon for the development of Zuidplein and its surroundings into a vital centre.

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Scenario New South.
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Scenario Strategic Connecting.
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Scenario Connected Worlds.

A vital center
There are currently two development projects in the area: Hart van Zuid and Motorstraatgebied. The vision trajectory aims to bring the ambitions of these two projects together under a holistic vision. It also wants to mark a new point in the horizon for the development of this area into a vital center for the southern districts of Rotterdam. Three scenarios have been developed to explore how a Rotterdam Center South can take further shape towards a vital center. The scenarios show different spatial and programmatic solutions and are used as an instrument to visualize the strategic choices and visualize them in context. The research by design provides a concrete picture of how opportunities can be realized and where the dilemmas lie.

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Scenario New South: A city of streets, squares and canals.
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Scenario Strategic Connecting: An environment with a variety of pleasant places.
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Scenario Connected Worlds: An elevated ground level as an urban plateau.

See also