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Stad van de Toekomst

Stad van de Toekomst

BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad impression of the robust cargill silos - vlothaven

Different perspectives on area development are needed to address complex challenges in inner cities.

Research project city of the future


Havenstad, Amsterdam

BNA, de branchevereniging voor Nederlandse architectenbureaus

KRFT, Moke architecten, Goudappel Coffeng, Stadkwadraat, and AMS

2018 – 2019

Marco Broekman
Partner, senior urban planner, architect

Jordy Stamps
Projectleader, urban geographer

Rosita Hemelaar
Urban designer

Jacopo Grilli
urban planner

Martha Seitanidou
Urban designer & Architect

Havenstad Amsterdam

Different perspectives on area development are needed to address complex challenges in inner cities. For Havenstad in Amsterdam – which will transform from industrial site to a mixed working-living area with 40.000 to 70.000 houses – we propose a new strategy called Maker City. A city for and by makers, to optimize the use of the city and thus make room for new developments. This is the basis for an interactive and dynamic form of urban development in which there is room for all city dwellers and initiatives, with a robust framework for mobility, heat, water, data and electricity flows and in which there is a great degree of freedom to create a highly diverse city with high densities.

In our opinion these themes allow a different kind of urban planning:

  • Spacetime – Dispersing the crowds will cause the infrastructure to become less congested and the city more liveable
  • Collective use of space – By sharing functions, living spaces can become smaller and more affordable while a high level of amenities is still available.
  • Function Mixing – as a base of multiple space use, because offices and dwellings are now empty for more than 50 per cent of the time.
  • Buffer – to ensure that there will be space for the future city its essential to have a 10 per cent buffer, which makes it possible to respond to future emergencies
  • Structured freedom – A basic framework and possibilities for ‘city makers’ to hook up to supply and demand at a cluster level.
  • Cluster passport – as an instrument that give coalitions perspectives of development and guarantee diversity.
  • Manageable investments – an area development process in which there is room for the simultaneous implementation of various innovations while it remains clear which investments they require

Using these strategies, Havenstad is about an inclusive, adaptive and healthy city. The mix is primarily achieved by giving new coalitions a maker’s role. These are coalitions in which there is room for traditional city makers as well as new city makers. This mixed living and working city will be made by and for makers: hence, Maker City.

BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad concept density
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad_concept mix of functions
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad concept combination
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_ havenstad green structures
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_ havenstad mobility
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad circularity
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad startegy1
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad strategy2
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad hemknoop step1
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad hemknoop step2
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad hemknoop step3
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad overview impression
BURA - Stad van de toekomst_1804_bura_havenstad future scenario