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Intensification of areas with a high environmental impact

Intensification of areas with a high environmental impact

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HMC areas are essential in the Netherlands because of their important role in the development towards a sustainable and circular future. How can work areas with a high environmental impact (HMC) retain their economic value and contribute to a more sustainable society in the future?

Research by design into the densification and sustainability of work sites with a High Environmental Category

Een zes-tal adviezen, 4 ruimtelijke strategieën waar ruimtelijke, sociale en organisatorische bouwstenen bij horen.

Test case location is Province of South Holland

Province of South Holland with a subsidy from the Stimuleringsfonds

Stec Groep

September 2021 – March 2021

Marco Broekman, Geert Das, Basia van Rijt and Yara Alnashawati

HMC areas are essential for the Netherlands
The pressure to transform HMC areas is increasing. At the same time, HMC areas are important for the development towards a sustainable and circular future. For that reason, it is important to understand their capacity to change in order to accommodate new functions, be more sustainable and add value to their environment and potential new users. How can work areas with a high environmental impact (HMC) retain their economic value and contribute to a more sustainable society in the future?

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Overview of HMC work areas in the Province of South Holland

HMC areas are important for the development towards a sustainable and circular future.

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HMC typologies

Four types of work areas
This research by design has resulted in the definition of four types of HMC working areas: (1) Intensive inner-city type, (2) Extensive inner-city type, (3) Intensive rural type and (4) Extensive rural type. The future work areas have their own ecosystem, where HMC and non-HMC companies work together. In addition, certain profiles will give companies the opportunity to network and reinforce each other, with an intensification of innovation and knowledge exchange. Expanding beyond the city limits, into green should no longer be possible.

The future value of HMC work areas is not only economic, but the areas will also have sustainable and social values.

Future values ​​of HMC work areas
By using zoning plans, HMC companies can be clustered. To achieve this, there is a need for a regional vision, more management, new business cases and a financial strategy. Each type of HMC work area has its own strategy. The strategy is a combination of design principles that strengthen economic values, intensify spatially, make the working area more sustainable and add social value.

The Creative Industries Fund NL made this research possible with the Open Call for Sustainable Economy and Spatial Planning #1.

BURA - 3.2. vier strategieen die afhankelijk van de locatie verschillende ontwerpprincipes combineren
Four strategies that combine different design principles
BURA - 4. regionale afstemming tussen verschillende strategieën
Regional alignment between different strategies
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Strategy 3: Clustering and opening up to the intensive inner city
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Strategy 4: Fitting in and strengthening the landscape for the suburbs

See also