Waterlandkwartier in Purmerend
Densification in a core neighbourhood

The Waterlandkwartier, together with the historic center, will become the vibrant heart of the Purmerend of the future.
Designing a lively urban district for Purmerend and the region.
Masterplan Waterlandkwartier that includes a spatial framework within which development can take place.
Waterlandkwartier, Purmerend
Municipality of Purmerend
LOLA landscape architects
December 2020 – now
Marco Broekman, Bart Claassen, Basia van Rijt, Yunshih Chen en Yara Alnashawati.
A lively living and working environment
Our ambition for the Waterlandkwartier is high. The area does not currently have a strong identity of its own. This applies to both the programmatic content and the spatial quality. The intention is that the messy area will be transformed in the coming years into a lively urban district where people live and work in high density. The Waterlandkwartier, together with the historic center, will become the vibrant heart of the Purmerend of the future.

The Waterlandkwartier will be an urban district unlike anything Purmerend has yet experienced, with intensive use of space and a mix of functions.

New mobility
Mobility is organised differently in the Waterlandkwartier. The area is optimally opened up by public transport and a network for cyclists and pedestrians. There is also a focus on shared mobility. This lays the foundation for a neighbourhood in which car use and ownership are significantly reduced. Because the car takes up less space, the public area in the Waterlandkwartier can be laid out green with plenty of space for walking, cycling and staying.
The district will have its own unique visual language based on a contemporary interpretation of the architecture of the growth centre.
A unique visual language
The Waterlandkwartier will be an urban district unlike anything Purmerend has yet experienced, with intensive use of space and a mix of functions. The district will have its own strong visual language based on a contemporary interpretation of the architecture of the growth center in which the human dimension is central. It will be a city district of and for Purmerend.