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An exploration of the relationship between city and health
Design research Eindhoven
Design research Eindhoven

An exploration of the relationship between city and health

BURA - Rli eindhoven_bura_1705_1705_8_collage binnenstad

This advisory report addresses the question of how the living environment can contribute to the health of the city’s inhabitants.

Design research into the spatial implementation of health-promoting interventions in Dutch cities.

Advice on how the living environment can contribute to the health of the city’s inhabitants, for the advisory report ‘The city as a healthy living environment’.


Raad voor de Leefomgeving en Infrastructuur (RLI)

Municipality Eindhoven, GGD Brabant-Southeast, Rijkswaterstaat, RIVM


Marco Broekman, Floris van der Zee, Ginevra Melazzi, Joske Bruijns


Eindhoven takes care 
The Eindhoven project is the result of two creative work sessions organised in September 2017 by the Council for the Living Environment and Infrastructure (RLI). The RLI is preparing an advisory report on ‘The city as a healthy living environment’. This advisory report addresses the question of how the living environment can contribute to the health of the city’s inhabitants. In the context of this advice, BURA has been asked to investigate the city of Eindhoven by means of research by design. Together with the municipality of Eindhoven, GGD Brabant-Zuidoost, RIVM and Rijkswaterstaat Zuid-Nederland, Eindhoven has served as a case study for exploring the relationship between city and health.

BURA - Rli eindhoven_bura_1705_1705_4_workshop
Workshop with the Municipality of Eindhoven, GGD Brabant-Southeast, RIVM and Rijkswaterstaat Netherlands-South.

The advice examines the spatial opportunities in the context of socio-economic problems, the physical structure of the city and the interdependence of health with other urgent spatial challenges.

BURA - Rli eindhoven_bura_1705_1705_3a gezonde en veerkrachtige wijken
Theme 1: healthy and resilient neighbourhoods.
BURA - Rli eindhoven_bura_1705_1705_5a gezonde mobiliteit en verbindingen
Theme 2: healthy mobility and connections.
BURA - Rli eindhoven_bura_1705_1705_7a gezonde en inclusieve stedelijke verdichting
Theme 3: Healthy and inclusive urban densification.

A health-promoting approach
Based on the idea of ​​a health-promoting approach, an inventory of spatial interventions has been developed for the following three themes:

  1. Healthy and resilient neighbourhoods
  2. Healthy mobility and connections
  3. Healthy and inclusive urban densification

These themes address the spatial opportunities in the context of socio-economic problems, the physical structure of the city and the interdependence of health with other urgent spatial challenges, such as urbanisation, energy transition and climate change.

BURA - Analyse kaarten
The new health-map

See also