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An appropriate energy strategy for the urban environment
Amsterdam Metropolitan Area
Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

An appropriate energy strategy for the urban environment

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The design research MRA shows the spatial effects of this energy transition in this dynamic, spatial and highly urbanised region.

Conducting research that explores how the MRA in 2040 can meet the energy demand by using renewable energy.

A report with important conclusions and points for attention for both energy and spatial policy in the future of the MRA, which will lead to the start of a regional energy strategy.

Province of North Holland and Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, in collaboration with City of Amsterdam, Province of Flevoland and the Amster-dam Metropolitan Area

PosadMaxwan strategy x design and Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN)


Marco Broekman, Floris van der Zee, Jordy Stamps, Tea Hadzizulfic, Ginevra Melazzi and Zuzanna Bręk

A customized approach: ‘energy environments’
BURA has worked on the Energy Transition study for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA). The study explores in what way it is possible to meet the energy demand in the AMA in 2040 through using renewable energy. Moreover, BURA has developed a method to analyze and improve the patchwork of ‘energy milieus’ within the AMA. The region has been divided in 23 ‘energy milieus’ with their own spatial characteristic and demand and supply for energy. With this method a more customized approach can be made.

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Patchwork map of different energy environments

The energy transition will have to set the agenda for themes such as urbanisation, mobility, quality of life and landscape.

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Scenario 'Grand Design'
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Scenario 'Maximaal Decentraal'
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Scenario 'Energy follows space'

The energy transition
Future perspectives have been developed which explore diffe-rent governance models. This exploration shows the spatial ef-fects of this energy transition in this dynamic, growing and highly urbanized regions. The governance models include ‘’Grand together, ‘Maximaal Decentraal’ and ‘Energy follows space’.

Our exploration shows the spatial effects of this energy transition in these dynamic, growing and highly urbanised regions.

A regional energy strategy
The scale of the region is relevant. We concluded that due to the demand and diversity of energy and the pressure on avail-able space it is unrealistic to generate 100% renewable energy within the territory of the AMA in 2040. Big chances lie in an integrated approach whereby energy is connected to tasks such as urbanization, accessibility, economic development and landscape improvement. The conclusions give important in-sights in the challenges related to both energy and spatial planning policies in the future of the AMA, and will lead to the start of a regional energy strategy.

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The energy transition in relation to other themes in the AMA
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Postwar neighbourhood (renovation)
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Postwar neighbourhood (replacement by new construction)
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Suburban neighbourhoods
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Urban neighbourhoods
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Morrow landscape
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'Peat meadow' landscape

See also